Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia. It is bordered with China in the North and India in the east, west and south. The Modern Country was founded in the 19th Century by the Ancestors of the now-ousted King; Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev. The country was Declared a Republic in 2005 after a popular revolt by the People against the then Head of the State, afore mentioned King. Today it is a Westminster multi-party parliamentary democracy, with the Head of the State as a Civilian President.
The country is a geographically, culturally, ethnically, religiously diverse state. Aryans, Mongols and Tibetans have long lived and shared the country mostly in peace, each arriving at various periods of the country’s history much in tandem with the movements and upheavals of Human Civilization’s own history.
In Medieval times, Nepal (especially the Kathmandu Valley, now Capital) had good diplomatic relations with Tibet, later annexed by China. Accounts of connubial relations, inter-border trade are rife. Our history’s first Encounter with the west is with “The East-India Company” before the Queen’s Reign. The Then Rulers of Nepal had trade relations with the Officers. Kathmandu was then considered a “Custom Point” for their produces bound for Tibet- China. Later the “ British Raj” under the Queen had even closer diplomatic ties with Nepal’s rulers. The episode of the Brave Nepali Gurkhas starts with these diplomatic relations. The Gurkhas were a regiment within the Queen’s Imperial army protecting the “Jewel in her crown”, .i.e. India. Recruited predominantly from the Mongol ethnicities, they served her through the World Wars. Their bravery in war was considered legendary. Famous German Generals are known to have extolled their valor in nemesis. In retribution for their services, Nepal’s rulers’ were conferred sovereignty as a “Protectorate State”. The British Army still has the regiment till date and Gurkhas are still recruited in the manner from the same ethnicities.
Today Nepal is known in the World for her Nature. In the History of Nature itself, the Crashing of the Indian Plate with the Asian Plate is known to be the last Episodes of the Creation of Earth’s land as we know it today. The Himalayas was thus forged and the exposition of such gigantic proportions of Earth’s land is believed to have captured enough Carbon from the atmosphere cooling the Earth heralding the “coming of Cooler and more favorable climate”, in which Humans evolved.
Mon. – Fri., Sun. 10am – 4pm
Saturday – closed
● The approximate cost of a soft drink/mineral water/coffee is 40 Rupee.
● An average lunch consisting of a salad or sandwich and a soda or water starts at approximately
450 Rupee.
● Dinner at a mid-range restaurant with dessert and a non-alcoholic beverage starts at
approximately 800 Rupee.
January – 36/66°F
February – 46/77°F
March – 61/86°F
April – 70/86°F
May – 66/81°F
June – 39/73°F
July – 39/68°F
August – 52/86°F
September – 68/86°F
October – 68/86°F
November – 59/73°F
December – 39/73°F
To convert to Celsius, subtract 30, then divide by 2. While not exact, this simple formula will give a close estimation.
Influenced by the neighboring countries and their cultures, India and Tibet, the traditional Nepalese diet includes dal (lentils), bhat (rice), and tarkari (curried vegetables). Since Nepal is home to a large population of Hindus and Buddhists, most restaurants serve vegetarian dishes; however, chicken and fish are available. Vegetables and curry are also commonly used in Nepalese cuisine.
Drinking Water
Tap water is generally not safe to drink. For sightseeing and excursions, we recommend you purchase bottled water to bring with you or bring some from your hotel room. Bottled water is also common in restaurants.